Co-created in collaboration with Mastercard Foundation, Gebeya, and its consortium partners, Mesirat is a 5 year, multi-phase program to create opportunities for 1 million highly skilled workers through creating, supporting, and nurturing 100 multi-sided gig and professional marketplaces (GPMs) in Ethiopia.
We have four parts to our process: recruitment, vetting, upskilling, and gig matching where we use assessments, scoping studies, and mapping to find and work with TVETs, community organizations, and the gig economy.
We also provide entrepreneur support, GPM provisioning, vetting, training, certification, onboarding of gig workers onto the GPM, link to digital jobs, digitally-enabled work (gig workers) and entrepreneurship. And will help 50 TVETs, 50 professional associations, and community organizations with GPM training and skill development.